Thursday, December 21, 2006

Reviews 12/21/06

O Pioneers!!!/Saw Doctors Split - Team Science Records
Maybe I'm just on a sugar high of sorts, since I got to see the O Pioneers!!! two days in a row this past weekend, but these guys are becoming one of my favorite bands. They bring more honest, folk-punk influenced screamy awesomeness to the table on this record, bringing to mind a early Hot Water Music and a young Against Me!, but that's lazy reviewing, because there really is more to this band than just that. They high energy and say what they mean. They're honest and hard working, without whoring themselves to the myspace generation. This set of songs sound better than those on "Black Mambas" and carry over the same themes. When you listen to the O Pioneers!!! you want to believe everything they say. Next time these boys come to town, give Eric a hug and some Ricolas.
The Saw Wheel side of this record has more in common with Billy Bragg or an acoustic Uncle Tupelo than Hot Water Music. This is straight up acoustic country punk. I honestly don't know anything about this band other than the fact that they write really good, honest songs. The name of this split really should have been "We're Really Nice Guys, Honestly," because I get the feeling that Saw Wheel is not unlike the O Pioneers!!! This band I think would feel just as at home at a coffee shop as they would a punk space, which would really broaden their audience. If this would have come out when I was 16, this side of the record would probably be the side my folks and I would agree on. Good stuff.

The Black Beauties - Catch a Beat - Full Breach Kicks
There isn't anything inherently offensive about these songs or even threatening, but something about this band doesn't really sit well with me. The song writting is good, the lyrics are pretty typical pop punk fair, but I just feel like I shouldn't like this. It sounds like a very polished, clean version of the Exploding Hearts, with a lot of 1950's rock structuring to the songs, but at the same time, it doesn't have the same pull or memorable hooks of either the Exploding Hearts or Bill Haley and the Comets. It's not bad, but at the same time, I'm not motivated to give it more than one or two spins. I guess what I'm saying is, I've heard it before and if you're looking for something predictable and fun, you might dig this. If you're looking for a message or something with depth, you might want to go back to your Propagandhi records.
They're on Full Breach Kicks, so chances are suburban Chicago's fashion punk gang, the Chi-Town 77's probably like this band a lot.

Beat Beat Beat - Living in the Future - Dirtnap
B3 sounds more like they're living in the past. The glorious glorious pop punk past. Borrowing sounds equally from the Clash, the Heartbreakers and Radio Birdman, they bring a lo-fi pop punk ruckus not unlike that which was brought by the Exploding Hearts. The difference is that where the Hearts were solid, technical musicians with phenominal pop hooks, Beat Beat Beat are a walking pissed off fireball. The production is is crunchy and raw, with that lovely late 70's delay on the vocals, which I think ultimately makes this record feel more timeless. Good stuff. another A+ from our pals at Dirtnap Records.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Underground Communique Playlist 12/15/06

1. Fucked Up - Crusades - Hidden World - Jade Tree
2. Off With Their Heads - Theme Songs - Hospitals - Recess Records
3. Miss Alex White and the Red Orchestra - Don't Turn Me Down - S/T - In the Red
4. Thee Headcoats - Beach Bums Must Die - Beached Earls - Crypt
5. J. Page - Left of the Dial - We'll Inherit the Earth... A Tribute to the Replacements - 1,2,3,4...Go! Records
6. Dag Nasty - Values Here - Can I Say - Dischord
7. No Means No - Body Bag - The People's Choice - AntAcidAudio
8. Misfits - Hybrid Moments - Legacy of Brutality - Plan 9
9. Combat Wounded Veteran - I Got a Slingshot, Wanna Get Hurt? - This is Not an Erect All Red Body - No Idea
10. Ministry - Thieves - The Mind is a Terrible Thing to Taste - Sire
11. Minor Threat - Small Man Big Mouth - Complete Discography - Dischord
12. Screeching Weasel - It's All in My Head - Wiggle - Asian Man
13. Choking Victim - Crack Rock Steady - No Gods/No Managers - Hell Cat
14. The Jam- Absolute Beginners- abs. beg. 45- Polydor
15. x- we're having much more fun- more fun...- rhino
16. naked raygun- vanilla blue- vanilla blue 7"- sandpounder
17. anklebiter- modern america- s/t- vinfiz
18. radon- welcome home- radon- no idea
19. krunchies- wargasm- interrobang- criminal iq
20. Sake- under my skin- s/t 10"- zafio
21. his hero is gone- like weeds- monuments to theives-prank
22. descendents- nothingwithyou- cool to be you- fat
23. arrivals- surf riot- goodbye new world- thick
24. cougars- whose got the sniff- pillow talk- go kart
25. munition- four walls- split w/ MTM- failed exp.
26. Fucked Up - Carried Out to Sea - Hidden World - Jade Tree
27. Jawbreaker - Bad Scene, Everyone's Fault - Dear You - DGC
28. This Is My Fist- Yank Fiction- letters from the landfill- left of the dial
29. MTM- Ruv Hausen- split w/ Munition- failed exp
30. Blatz- Berkeley...- shit split- life is abuse
31. v-reverse- t-shirt- childrens's concepts...- underdog
32. grey matter- second guess- thog- dischord
33. MTM- bleeding- split w/ munition- failed exp
34. Pedestrians- Bloodstains- Ideal Divide- Wrench
35. Ambition Mission- Do You Believe In The Constitution?- You name it...- Gov. Music
36. August Spies- Sept. Riots- Food chain in your living room- Rodent Popsicle
37. Latterman- my bedroom is for lovers...- no matter where we go- deep elm
38. AoD- Your Kungfu is Old....- Short Music- fat
39. Naked Raygun- wonderbeer- understand?- 1/4 stick
40. Citizen Fish- Meltdown- split w/LoC- Fat
41. O Pioneers- Motley Crue, Probably Saved my Life- Team Science
42. Take my Chance- open the big window- down here with us- one day savior
43. Explode and Makeup- lion in a cage- thick
44. The Bomb- Space Man- Hair- Thick
45. RSA- The Long War- Dreamland- Undergroudn Communique

Monday, December 11, 2006

Because I Haven't Written Anything Here in a While

I've been neglecting this little blog quite a bit lately and feel bad about it. Aside from posting set lists from my Radio Show, I haven't done much in the way of actual writing. Here's a few reviews to start off with:

Whale|Horse - Count the Electric Sheep - S/R
This is a band that came the ashes of the Honor System, which formed out of the Broadways, who formed from the wreckage of Slapstick. This further confirms that somehow you can tie back to Slapstick. When I got a hold of this record, I was hoping it would be as amazing as this band is live, but honestly, I was let down a little bit. Live, this band is a power house that's high energy and really brings a lot to the table that was missing in the Honor System. On record though, you have a low key band that hides behind reverb and vocals that hint at Interpol, who of course borrow quite a bit from Joy Division.
Conversely, it's always nice seeing a band delivering the songs live differently than on record, which is why I was such a fan of bands like the Jesus and Mary Chain and Ride. You'd have a great deal of studio trickery on record, but once you saw them live, it was a completely different experience. Hopefully this is the effect Whale|Horse was going for, because although this record isn't bad, after seeing them live, it was a bit of a let down.
It sounds like a lighter, airier, less mathy version of the Honor System. The record is FX heavy, with reverbs and chorus abound, giving it a sense of depth and space, but unfortunately tones down a lot of this bands more "rock" moments. If I were to lump them in with another band, I'd probably compare this record to Eulcid or one of the later Cave-In albums, but I'm not sure if it does them justice. It's more punk rock than either of those bands, but punk rock that's been over powered by the gods of shoegaze.
Definitely give this band a listen, but make sure to check them out live too, because it will be a totally different experience.

Scream Poet, Scream - Illegitimate Descendent of a Pope - Smoke Break
These Chicago natives bring a racket that brings to mind a lot of great bands. Hopefully this project will hold together long enough or garner enough national cred to be considered one of those "greats."
Featuring a solid rhythm section that's reminiscent of Fugazi during the "Repeater" era, and a guitarist that follows in the same Chicago tradition as bands like Gauge and Cap'n Jazz and vocals that are painfully screamed much like early Against Me! or that of contemporaries, Latterman or the O Pioneers!!! All I really have to say is, if someone were to do a comp that sequels "How the Midwest Was Won," (Cap'n Jazz/Friction/8Bark) I think Scream Poet, Scream should definitely be on it.
Assuming these kids don't follow the lead of many Chicago bands and get lazy, you should see them in a town near you a million times between now and August.
Scream Poet, Scream

Drunk Boat - S/T - 1,2,3,4... Go! Records
I really feel like I should know more about this band, but honestly, I don't. When I saw this in my mail box, I assumed it was going to be awkward cow punk and that I was going to hate it, so it sat collecting dust on top of my CD shelves. While cleaning one day a few weeks ago, I stumbled upon it and thought "what the hell, I'll give it a shot." After the first few chords, my cat ran out of the room and hid under my sofa, which I'm assuming is a good sign, since I decided that this pretty much rules. I can chalk this up as one in a long line of bands that I've dismissed because of their name or artwork or whatever.
Instead of cow punk, Drunk Boat brings a style of punk rock that is sloppy, fast and features vocals that are nasally and obnoxious. If you, faithful reader know anything about my taste in punk and/or rock, you know that this is the winning formula. Snotty vocals are really what put this record over the top for me. It's not snotty like Screeching Weasel or the Queers, but snotty like the Connie Dungs. I think this record will probably squeak into my top ten of '06. Check this band out!
1,2,3,4...Go! Records


I was thinking about Life Sentence the other day and stumbled across an article that Joe from Life Sentence wrote for the Rocktober zine, where he talked about how they got the word out about their music. It was pretty creative and it showed how a band that really wants to capture an audience can think outside of the box and achieve greatness outside the realm of what's considered the "norm." Aside from the traditional method of touring until you either break through or die, they managed to get heard by well respected bands who touted their shirts and merch. Also, they attacked the skate parks and got the word out through getting the attention of pro skaters. Now, keep in mind, back in the 80's, if some dude from Metallica was wearing a Life Sentence shirt, that carried a lot more weight than it would today. Much like having Christian Hasoi sporting a Life Sentence shirt carried a lot more weight than whatever flash in the pan skater now-a-days would. Those were definitely different times. Now, with the internet, more and more bands are using it to promote and it's getting to the point where the amount of myspace friends you have means more to some labels and promoters than how good your music is or how well you draw live. Many bands have entirely abandoned every other form of promotion to jump on the myspace bandwagon. I'm interested to see what kids in the underground will start doing to promote in response to myspace. There's already a myspace backlash with bands as big as Modern Life is War and as small as Scream Poet, Scream. Neither band have a myspace page that is maintained by the band and neither band has any intention of starting one, which I respect. Coming from a show promoter's point of view, myspace has been a bit of a blessing. I can keep in contact with bands and promote, but I'll be damned if that's my only way of getting the word out. What bothers me is promoters and labels that deal with bands solely based on their myspace numbers. It's completely unrealistic and ultimately will burn someone in the long run (more often than not, the bands).
I think that with this whole online revolution, a lot of bands are going to back to basics, which is what Modern Life is War seems to have done. Utilizing an underground network as opposed to whoring themselves on the internet. I think with globalization, a lot of bands are going to focus on a more local scene and less on touring. A big concern of mine are bands who are trying to book national tours for three song demos, but then cry about playing to empty rooms. This past summer, we booked something crazy like 70 shows in three months. We had shows almost every night and although we promoted them the best we could, it was getting harder and harder to get kids to come out "just because there's a show." In a city as big as Chicago, this mentality is a myth. When you have a show almost every night, kids are more selective of which shows they're going to go to. Especially with a shakey economy and gas prices that broke three dollars a gallon. When you have a lot of kids coming in from the burbs, they're not going to drive in to see generic stinky punk band from Milwaukee, when they were just in the city to see Against All Authority a few days before hand. Even when you have local support, the locals can't always bring their friends, especially when it's a Wednesday night and they're playing another show in their suburb in a couple days. Unfortunately, Stinky McPunkowski doesn't understand why no one shows up, so ultimately it gets turned onto the promoter. Here's a FAQ of sorts.
Q: "Why didn't you flyer?"
A: We did ten shows in the last twelve days. The only way we can realistically advertise every show is to put out a shows list for all upcoming shows. If Johnny Local and the Suburbatones put out the word the night before to their myspace list, I don't think anyone's gonna show.
Q: "But I sent you a flyer, why didn't you post it?"
A: See part one of the previous answer. If you send me a flyer early enough, I'll run off copies and put it up around town while dropping off shows lists, but if you send me a flyer THREE DAYS BEFORE YOUR SHOW, I'm not gonna have time. That's the reality of it.
Q: "If we don't play, are you gonna pay us?"
A: That depends. Are you driving back to your mom's house an hour away or are you going to bumble-fuck Arkansas? If it's the latter, than yes, I'll toss you bank from the door to make sure you don't get stranded in "deliverance country," because despite any douche bag behavior being aimed in my direction, I know that running out of gas on the highway sucks.
This was a scenario I ran into one night over the summer and I pretty much decided that I'd never deal with this band again. They were kissing my ass when they saw our space, because it felt really "punk," but once they realized that Johnny Local and the Suburbatones didn't promote really well, they turned it on me. I can understand the frustration, but promoting shows is an art. Sometimes you pull it off really well and sometimes the cards don't fall in your favor. Sometimes show A draws really well and that will have a direct effect on show B. Which brings us back to the importance of bands promoting their own shows. If you're in a local band, try not to book too many shows too close together, because someone will get fucked (more often than not, it will be both, a promoter and a band, because no one will show up). Also, don't just advert in your local burb. Take a ride down to the city. We all know where the punk kids hang out, so advert there too. Finally, don't wait for three days before your show to flyer, get the ball rolling about three weeks ahead of time. Work hard, because even if no one comes out, promoters see hustle. I go out, I see flyers and posters. If I see a band playing one of our shows advertising everywhere, I'll definitely give them a show again despite poor draw. That's just the way it goes.

Completely unrelated, if you can get a hold of the Mint Records/Nardwuar calendar for 2007, I highly recommend it, because it features a lot of great, classic pics of your favorite punk bands.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Underground Communique Playlist 12/08/06

1. Gunmoll - Less Than You'd Hoped For - Board of Rejection - No Idea
2. Kill Your Idols - Do You Still Hate Me? - Bad Scene, Everyone's Fault - Dying Wish
3. J Church - Kill Surf City - Meaty Beaty Shitty Sounding - Honey Bear
4. Jawbreaker - Condition Oakland - 24 Hour Revenge Therapy - Tupelo
5. New Bomb Turks - Automatic Teller - Punk O Rama 5 - Epitaph (Request)
6. Toys That Kill - Bomb Sniffin' Dogs - Shanked - Recess Records
7. O Pioneers!!! - Enemies on Speed Dial - Black Mambas - Team Science
8. Scream Poet Scream - I Have Decided to Starve - Illegitimate Descendent of a Pope - S/R
9. Against Me! - Reinventing Axl Rose - Reinventing Axl Rose - No Idea
10. Fugazi - Repeater - Repeater - Dischord
11. Tiltwheel - All I Care About is Me, My Rum and You - Hair Brain Scheme Addicts - S/R
12. Discount - Rooftop Empathy - Singles Vol. 1 - New American Dream
13. Billy Bragg - Help Save the Youth of America - Talking With the Tax Man About Poetry - Elektra
14. Broadways - Everything I Ever Wanted to Know About Genocide I Learned About in the Third Grade - Broken Stars - Asian Man
15. Sneaky Pinks - I Can't Wait - S/T 7" - Rubber Vomit
16. Pixies - Isla De Encanta/Ed is Dead - Come On Pilgrim - 4AD
17. Muffs - Beat Your Heart Out - I Need You 7" - Sub Pop
18. Beat Beat Beat - Hate Me - Living in the Future - Dirtnap
19. Exploding Hearts - Rumors in Town - Dirtnap
20. Buzzcocks - Noise Annoys - Singles Going Steady - IRS
21. Dials - Stuck Inside - Flex Time - Latest Flame
22. Pansy Division - Bill and Ted's Homosexual Adventure - Pile Up - Lookout!
23. Stranglers - Hanging Around - Rattus Norvegicus - EMI
24. Fear - I Love Living in the City - Now You're Dead 7"
25. Faith No More - Mid Life Crisis - Angel Dust
26. Sneaky Pinks - Kill Kill Kill - S/T 7" - Rubber Vomit
27. Cat Power - Still in Love - Myra Lee - Smells Like Records
28. Sun Ra and Solar-Myrth Arkestra - Legend - The Solar Myrth Approach Vol. 1 - Actuel
29. Butthole Surfers - The Hurdi Gurdi Man - Piouhgd - Dunsteria
30. Tom Waits - Clap Hands - Rain Dogs - Island
31. BBQ - Out of Time - Tie Your Noose - Bomp!
32. Zolar X - Recitation/Timeless - Timeless - Alternative Tentacles
33. The Trashies - Science Sucks - Life Sucks - Mortyville Records
34. Big Boys - Mutant Rock - Skinny Elvis - Touch and Go
35. Devo - Clock Out - Hardcore Devo Vol. 2 - Ryko
36. Devo - Auto Modown - Hardcore Devo Vol. 1 - Ryko
37. Misfits - Some Kind of Hate - Legacy of Brutality - Plan 9
38. Etta James - Roll With Me Henry - 12 Original Artist Hits - United
39. Rocket From the Crypt - On a Rope - Scream, Dracula, Scream!
40. Sneaky Pinks - I Can't Wait - S/T 7" - Rubber Vomit
41. Scissor Girls - Dedications to Cronies and Goats - We People Space With Phantoms Atavistic
42. Polysics - Go Ahead Now - Neu - Ki/oon
43. Bratmobile - The Real Janelle - The Real Janelle - Kill Rock Stars

Friday, December 01, 2006

Underground Communique Set List 12/1/06

1. Off With Their Heads - Die Today - Hospitals - Recess Records
2. Arrivals - Last Lullaby - Goodbye New World - Thick
3. Fucked Up - Carried Out to Sea - Hidden World - Jade Tree
4. The Ergs - I'm in Trouble - We'll Inherit the Earth... a Tribute to the Replacements - 1234... GO! Records
5. Regulations - Anna's Eyes - S/T - Havoc
6. Beat Beat Beat - Hate Me - Living in the Future - Dirtnap
7. the Kids - Bloody Belgium - Naughty Kids - Sonik's Chicken Shrimp
8. the Maggots - Let's Get Let's Get Tammy Wynette - Killed By Death - Red Rum
9. the Stuck Ups - Teenage Zombie Knockout - Human Doll Express - SFTRI
10. Restarts - Age of Fear - Havoc Records First 15 Years - Havoc
11. Aus Rotten - Fuck Nazi Sympathy - Fuck Nazi Sympathy 7" - Havoc
12. Big Black - L Dopa - Songs About Fucking - Touch and Go
13. My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult - Cooler Than Jesus - Cooler Than Jesus - Wax Trax
14. Regress - Flags and Slogans - Look Who's Pulling the Strings - Boot Camp
15. Copyrights - Cashiers - Mutiny Pop - Insubordination
16. Screeching Weasel - Inside Out - Anthem for a New Tomorrow - Lookout!
17. Mr T Experience - Book of Revelations - Milk Milk Lemonade - Lookout!
18. Modern Machines - What I Be Leavin' - Take It, Somebody! - Dirtnap
19. Hickey - 40 Oz. of Bad Karma - S/T - 1234...Go! Records
20. J Church - Keep Smiling America - Society is a Canivorous Flower - No Idea
21. Black Sabbath - Paranoid - Paranoid
22. Scream Poet Scream - I Have Decided to Starve - S/R
23. Deadfall- Intro/Counting- keep telling yourself okay- tankcrimes
24. LBAL- Fuel the Conquest- splitw/ dropdead- aramgeddon
25. Holy Mountain- Wrath- Wrath- No Idea
26. Voetsek- Kick It- s/t- deep six
27. Seein' Red- Marinus- Marinus- Ebullition
28. Fucked Up- Triumph of Life- Triumph- Vice
29. Defect Defect- Littleways- Yeah, I'm a terrorist...- Clarence Thomas
30. Observers- Where I Stay- Where I Stay- Deranged
31. Assfactor 4- Hey stinky, life is wacky, i reckon- s/t- Old Glory
32. Life's Halt- Lull-a-buy/gaso de...- split/What Happens Next- 625
33. Cardiac Arrest- Going Nowhere- Life's a Dead End- Grave Mistake
34. Chronic Seizure- Tuned Out- s/t- Fashionable Idiots
The Goddamn Live Set

35. Filth- The List- shit split- lookout
36. American Steel- One of these Days- Rogue's MArch- Lookout!
37. Jawbreaker- Bivouac- Bivouac- tupelo
38. Crimpshrine- trying too hard- duct tape soup- lookout
39. Fifteen- Resolutions- swain's...- lookout
40. The Strike- Take Action- take action 7"- Johann's
41. Dillenger 4- Noble Stabbings- Situationist Comedy- Fat
42. Black Flag- Beating my head...- my war- sst
43. Fifth Hour Hero- How much is revolution...- not revenge- no idea
44. Soulside- Bass- Bass 7"- Dischord
45. Beefeater- Sinking Me- Beefeater- Dischord
46. 86 Mentality - Terror Boys - Goin' Nowhere Fast - Grave Mistake
47. Get Rad - My Friends Fuckin' Rule - Say Fuck No to Rules, Man - Hyperrealist
48. CIV - Set Your Goals - Set Your Goals - Revelation
49. New Mexican Disaster Squad - Tight Rope - Don't Believe - Jade Tree
50. Lifetime - Young Loud and Scotty - Jersey's Best Dancers - Jade Tree
51. Voice in the Wire - Steel Town Fight Song - Signals in Transmission - Eyeball
52. None More Black - Dinner's For Suckers - File Under Black - Fat Wreck
53. Lawrence Arms - Are You There Margret? It's Me, God - Oh! Calcutta - Fat Wreck
54. Methadones - Bored With Television - Not Economically Viable - Thick